# Class: Vault

Rocket Pool Vault

# Constructors

# constructor

new Vault(web3, contracts)

Create a new Vault instance.

# Parameters

Name Type Description
web3 default A valid Web3 instance
contracts Contracts A Rocket Pool contract manager instance

# Defined in


# Accessors

# rocketVault

Private get rocketVault(): Promise<Contract>

Private accessor use to retrieve the related contract

# Returns


a Promise<Contract> with a web3.eth.contract instance of the rocketVault contract

# Defined in


# Methods

# getAddress

getAddress(): Promise<string>

Retrieve the RocketVault contract address

example using Typescript

const rocketVault = rp.vault.getAddress().then((val: string) => { val };

# Returns


a Promise<string> that resolves to the Rocket Vault contract address

# Defined in


# balanceOfToken

balanceOfToken(contractAddress, tokenAddress): Promise<string>

Retrieve the balance of a token when providing a contract & token address

example using Typescript

const rplBalance = rp.vault.balanceOfToken("rocketClaimDAO", rocketTokenRPLAddress).then((val: string) => { val }

# Parameters

Name Type Description
contractAddress string A string representing the contract address
tokenAddress string A string representing the token address

# Returns


a Promise<string> that resolves to the Rocket Vault contract address

# Defined in
