# Class: RPL

Rocket Pool RPL Token Manager

# Hierarchy

# Constructors

# constructor

new RPL(web3, contracts)

Create a new RPL instance.

# Parameters

Name Type Description
web3 default A valid Web3 instance
contracts Contracts A Rocket Pool contract manager instance

# Overrides


# Defined in


# Properties

# web3

Protected web3: default

# Inherited from


# contracts

Protected contracts: Contracts

# Inherited from


# tokenContractName

Protected tokenContractName: string

# Inherited from


# Accessors

# tokenContract

Protected get tokenContract(): Promise<Contract>

Private accessor use to retrieve the related contract

# Returns


a Promise<Contract> with a web3.eth.contract instance of the contract passed into the constructor

# Defined in


# Methods

# balanceOf

balanceOf(account): Promise<string>

Return the token balance of an account

example using Typescript const account = "0x24fBeD7Ecd625D3f0FD19a6c9113DEd436172294";

const balance = rp.tokens.rpl.balanceOf(account).then((val: string) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type Description
account string A string representing the address you wish to lookup the balance for

# Returns


a Promise<string> that resolves to a string representing the token balance in Wei

# Inherited from


# Defined in


# allowance

allowance(account, spender): Promise<string>

Return the token allowance for an account

example using Typescript const account = "0x24fBeD7Ecd625D3f0FD19a6c9113DEd436172294"; const contractAddress = rp.api.contracts.get("rocketTokenRPL").then((val: string) => { contract.options.address };

const balance = rp.tokens.rpl.allowance(account, contractAddress).then((val: string) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type Description
account string A string representing the address you wish to lookup the balance for
spender string A string representing the spender address (usually a token contract)

# Returns


a Promise<string> that resolves to a string representing the token balance in Wei

# Inherited from


# Defined in


# transfer

transfer(to, amountWei, options?, onConfirmation?): Promise<TransactionReceipt>

Transfer tokens to an account to a recipient if approved

example using Typescript

const fromAddress = "0x24fBeD7Ecd625D3f0FD19a6c9113DEd436172294";
const toAddress = "0x421433c3f99529A704Ec2270E1A68fa66DD8bD79";
const amountWei = web3.utils.toWei("20", "ether");
const options = {
		from: fromAddress,
		gas: 1000000
const txReceipt = rp.tokens.rpl.transfer(toAddress, amountWei, options).then((txReceipt: TransactionReceipt) => { txReceipt };

# Parameters

Name Type Description
to string A string representing the to address
amountWei string A string representing the amount to send in Wei
options? SendOptions An optional object of web3.eth.Contract SendOptions
onConfirmation? ConfirmationHandler An optional confirmation handler object

# Returns


a Promise<TransactionReceipt> that resolves to a TransactionReceipt object representing the receipt of the transaction

# Inherited from


# Defined in


# approve

approve(spender, amountWei, options?, onConfirmation?): Promise<TransactionReceipt>

Approve an allowance for a spender

example using Typescript

const fromAddress = "0x24fBeD7Ecd625D3f0FD19a6c9113DEd436172294";
const contractAddress = rp.api.contracts.get("rocketTokenRPL").then((val: string) => { contract.options.address };
const amountWei = web3.utils.toWei("20", "ether");
const options = {
		from: fromAddress,
		gas: 1000000
const txReceipt = rp.tokens.rpl.approve(contractAddress, amountWei, options).then((txReceipt: TransactionReceipt) => { txReceipt };

# Parameters

Name Type Description
spender string A string representing the spender address (usually a token contract)
amountWei string A string representing the amount to send in Wei
options? SendOptions An optional object of web3.eth.Contract SendOptions
onConfirmation? ConfirmationHandler An optional confirmation handler object

# Returns


a Promise<TransactionReceipt> that resolves to a TransactionReceipt object representing the receipt of the transaction

# Inherited from


# Defined in


# transferFrom

transferFrom(from, to, amountWei, options?, onConfirmation?): Promise<TransactionReceipt>

Transfer tokens from an account to a recipient if approved

example using Typescript

const fromAddress = "0x24fBeD7Ecd625D3f0FD19a6c9113DEd436172294";
const toAddress = "0x421433c3f99529A704Ec2270E1A68fa66DD8bD79";
const amountWei = web3.utils.toWei("20", "ether");
const options = {
		from: fromAddress,
		gas: 1000000
const txReceipt = rp.tokens.rpl.transferFrom(from, to, options).then((txReceipt: TransactionReceipt) => { txReceipt };

# Parameters

Name Type Description
from string A string representing the from address
to string A string representing the to address
amountWei string A string representing the amount to send in Wei
options? SendOptions An optional object of web3.eth.Contract SendOptions
onConfirmation? ConfirmationHandler An optional confirmation handler object

# Returns


a Promise<TransactionReceipt> that resolves to a TransactionReceipt object representing the receipt of the transaction

# Inherited from


# Defined in


# getAddress

getAddress(): Promise<string>

Get the contract address

example using Typescript

const address = rp.tokens.rpl.getAddress().then((val: string) => { val };

# Returns


a Promise<string> that resolves to a string representing the contract address of the token

# Defined in


# getInflationIntervalsPassed

getInflationIntervalsPassed(): Promise<number>

Get the inflation intervals that have passed

example using Typescript

const address = rp.tokens.rpl.getInflationIntervalsPassed().then((val: number) => { val };

# Returns


a Promise<number> that resolves to a number representing the inflation intervals that have passed (in time)

# Defined in


# totalSupply

totalSupply(): Promise<number>

Get the total supply

example using Typescript

const address = rp.tokens.rpl.totalSupply().then((val: number) => { val };

# Returns


a Promise<number> that resolves to a number representing the total supply

# Defined in


# swapTokens

swapTokens(amountWei, options?, onConfirmation?): Promise<TransactionReceipt>

Swap current RPL fixed supply tokens for new RPL

example using Typescript

const toAddress = "0x421433c3f99529A704Ec2270E1A68fa66DD8bD79";
const amountWei = web3.utils.toWei("20", "ether");
const options = {
		from: fromAddress,
		gas: 1000000
const txReceipt = rp.tokens.rpl.swapTokens(amountWei, options).then((txReceipt: TransactionReceipt) => { txReceipt };

# Parameters

Name Type Description
amountWei any A string representing the amount to swap in Wei
options? SendOptions An optional object of web3.eth.Contract SendOptions
onConfirmation? ConfirmationHandler An optional confirmation handler object

# Returns


a Promise<TransactionReceipt> that resolves to a TransactionReceipt object representing the receipt of the transaction

# Defined in


# inflationMintTokens

inflationMintTokens(options?, onConfirmation?): Promise<TransactionReceipt>

Inflation mint tokens

example using Typescript

const toAddress = "0x421433c3f99529A704Ec2270E1A68fa66DD8bD79";
const options = {
		from: toAddress,
		gas: 1000000
const txReceipt = rp.tokens.rpl.inflationMintTokens(options).then((txReceipt: TransactionReceipt) => { txReceipt };

# Parameters

Name Type Description
options? SendOptions An optional object of web3.eth.Contract SendOptions
onConfirmation? ConfirmationHandler An optional confirmation handler object

# Returns


a Promise<TransactionReceipt> that resolves to a TransactionReceipt object representing the receipt of the transaction

# Defined in
