# Class: Minipool

Rocket Pool Minipool Manager

# Constructors

# constructor

new Minipool(web3, contracts)

Create a new Minipool instance.

# Parameters

Name Type Description
web3 default A valid Web3 instance
contracts Contracts A Rocket Pool Contract Manager Instance

# Defined in


# Accessors

# rocketMinipoolManager

Private get rocketMinipoolManager(): Promise<Contract>

Private accessor use to retrieve the related contract

# Returns


a Promise<Contract> with a web3.eth.contract instance of the rocketMinipoolManager contract

# Defined in


# rocketMinipoolQueue

Private get rocketMinipoolQueue(): Promise<Contract>

Private accessor use to retrieve the related contract

# Returns


a Promise<Contract> with a web3.eth.contract instance of the rocketMinipoolQueue contract

# Defined in


# rocketMinipoolStatus

Private get rocketMinipoolStatus(): Promise<Contract>

Private accessor use to retrieve the related contract

# Returns


a Promise<Contract> with a web3.eth.contract instance of the rocketMinipoolStatus contract

# Defined in


# rocketMinipool

Private get rocketMinipool(): Promise<Contract>

Private accessor use to retrieve the related contract

# Returns


a Promise<Contract> with a web3.eth.contract instance of the rocketMinipool contract

# Defined in


# Methods

# getMinipools

getMinipools(): Promise<MinipoolDetails[]>

Get all minipool details

example using Typescript

const minipools = rp.minipool.getMinipools().then((val: MinipoolDetails[]) => { val };

# Returns


a Promise<MinipoolDetails[]> that resolves to an array of MinipoolDetails (address, exists, pubkey)

# Defined in


# getMinipoolAddresses

getMinipoolAddresses(): Promise<string[]>

Get all minipool addresses

example using Typescript

const addresses = rp.minipool.getMinipoolAddresses().then((val: string[]) => { val };

# Returns


a Promise<string[]> that resolves to an array of minipool addresses as strings

# Defined in


# getNodeMinipools

getNodeMinipools(nodeAddress): Promise<MinipoolDetails[]>

Get all node's minipool details

params nodeAddress a string representing the node address you which to return details for

example using Typescript

const nodeAddress = "0x24fBeD7Ecd625D3f0FD19a6c9113DEd436172294";
const details = rp.minipool.getNodeMinipools(nodeAddress).then((val: MinipoolDetails[]) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type
nodeAddress string

# Returns


a Promise<MinipoolDetails[]> that resolves to an array of MinipoolDetails about a specific node

# Defined in


# getNodeMinipoolAddresses

getNodeMinipoolAddresses(nodeAddress): Promise<string[]>

Get all node's minipool addresses

params nodeAddress a string representing the node address you which to return details for

example using Typescript

const nodeAddress = "0x24fBeD7Ecd625D3f0FD19a6c9113DEd436172294";
const minipoolAddresses = rp.minipool.getNodeMinipoolAddresses(nodeAddress).then((val: string[]) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type
nodeAddress string

# Returns


a Promise<string[]> that resolves to an array of strings containing the minipool addresses

# Defined in


# getMinipoolDetails

getMinipoolDetails(address): Promise<MinipoolDetails>

Get all minipool's details

params nodeAddress a string representing the node address you which to return details for

example using Typescript

const nodeAddress = "0x24fBeD7Ecd625D3f0FD19a6c9113DEd436172294";
const minipoolDetails = rp.minipool.getMinipoolDetails(nodeAddress).then((val: MinipoolDetails) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type
address string

# Returns


a Promise<MinipoolDetails> that resolves to a singular MinipoolDetails with details about the minipool you want to look up

# Defined in


# getMinipoolCount

getMinipoolCount(): Promise<number>

Get all the total minipool count

example using Typescript

const totalMinipools = rp.minipool.getMinipoolCount().then((val: number) => { val };

# Returns


a Promise<number> that resolves to a number representing the total minipool count

# Defined in


# getMinipoolAt

getMinipoolAt(index): Promise<string>

Get a minipool address by index

params index a number representing the index of the minipool you wish to lookup

example using Typescript

const index = 5;
const address = rp.minipool.getMinipoolAt(index).then((val: string) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type
index number

# Returns


a Promise<string> that resolves to a string representing the minipool address

# Defined in


# getNodeMinipoolCount

getNodeMinipoolCount(nodeAddress): Promise<number>

Get a node's total minipool count

params nodeAddress a string representing the node address you which to return details for

example using Typescript

const nodeAddress = "0x24fBeD7Ecd625D3f0FD19a6c9113DEd436172294";
const nodeMinipoolCount = rp.minipool.getNodeMinipoolCount(nodeAddress).then((val: number) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type
nodeAddress string

# Returns


a Promise<number> that resolves to a number representing the node's total minipool count

# Defined in


# getStakingMinipoolCount

getStakingMinipoolCount(): Promise<number>

Get the staking minipool count

example using Typescript

const stakingMinipoolCount = rp.minipool.getStakingMinipoolCount().then((val: number) => { val };

# Returns


a Promise<number> that resolves to a number representing the total staking minipool count

# Defined in


# getNodeStakingMinipoolCount

getNodeStakingMinipoolCount(nodeAddress): Promise<number>

Get the node's staking minipool count

params nodeAddress a string representing the node address you which to return details for

example using Typescript

const nodeAddress = "0x24fBeD7Ecd625D3f0FD19a6c9113DEd436172294";
const nodeStakingMinipoolCount = rp.minipool.getNodeStakingMinipoolCount(nodeAddress).then((val: number) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type
nodeAddress string

# Returns


a Promise<number> that resolves to a number representing the node's staking minipool count

# Defined in


# getNodeActiveMinipoolCount

getNodeActiveMinipoolCount(nodeAddress): Promise<string>

Get the node's active minipool count

params nodeAddress a string representing the node address you which to return details for

example using Typescript

const nodeAddress = "0x24fBeD7Ecd625D3f0FD19a6c9113DEd436172294";
const nodeActiveMinipoolCount = rp.minipool.getNodeActiveMinipoolCount(nodeAddress).then((val: number) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type
nodeAddress string

# Returns


a Promise<number> that resolves to a number representing the node's active minipool count

# Defined in


# getNodeMinipoolAt

getNodeMinipoolAt(nodeAddress, index): Promise<string>

Get the node's minipool address by index

params nodeAddress a string representing the node address you which to return details for

params index a number representing the index of

example using Typescript

const nodeAddress = "0x24fBeD7Ecd625D3f0FD19a6c9113DEd436172294";
const index = 2;
const address = rp.minipool.getNodeMinipoolAt(nodeAddress, index).then((val: string) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type
nodeAddress string
index number

# Returns


a Promise<string> that resolves to a string representing the minipool address at the desired index

# Defined in


# getMinipoolByPubkey

getMinipoolByPubkey(validatorPubkey): Promise<string>

Get a minipool address by validator pubkey

params validatorPubkey a string representing the validator pub key

example using Typescript

const validatorPubkey = "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003";
const address = rp.minipool.getMinipoolByPubkey(nodeAddress).then((val: string) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type
validatorPubkey string

# Returns


a Promise<string> that resolves to a string representing the minipool address at the desired pubkey

# Defined in


# getMinipoolExists

getMinipoolExists(address): Promise<boolean>

Check whether a minipool exists

params address a string representing the minipool address you to check against

example using Typescript

const address = "0x24fBeD7Ecd625D3f0FD19a6c9113DEd436172294";
const exists = rp.minipool.getMinipoolExists(nodeAddress).then((val: boolean) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type
address string

# Returns


a Promise<boolean> that resolves to a boolean representing if a minipool exists at the address

# Defined in


# getMinipoolPubkey

getMinipoolPubkey(address): Promise<string>

Get a minipool's validator pubkey

params address a string representing the minipool address

example using Typescript

const address = "0x24fBeD7Ecd625D3f0FD19a6c9113DEd436172294";
const address = rp.minipool.getMinipoolPubkey(nodeAddress).then((val: string) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type
address string

# Returns


a Promise<string> that resolves to a string representing the pubkey for the provided minipool address

# Defined in


# getMinipoolWithdrawalCredentials

getMinipoolWithdrawalCredentials(address): Promise<string>

Get a minipool's withdrawal credentials

params address a string representing the minipool address

example using Typescript

const address = "0x24fBeD7Ecd625D3f0FD19a6c9113DEd436172294";
const address = rp.minipool.getMinipoolWithdrawalCredentials(nodeAddress).then((val: string) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type
address string

# Returns


a Promise<string> that resolves to a string representing the minipool credentials

# Defined in


# getQueueLength

getQueueLength(depositType): Promise<number>

Get the minipool queue length

params depositType a number representing the deposit type

example using Typescript

const length = rp.minipool.getQueueLength(1).then((val: number) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type
depositType number

# Returns


a Promise<number> that resolves to a number representing the minipool queue length

# Defined in


# getQueueTotalLength

getQueueTotalLength(): Promise<number>

Get the total minipool queue length

example using Typescript

const totalLength = rp.minipool.getQueueTotalLength().then((val: number) => { val };

# Returns


a Promise<number> that resolves to a number representing the total minipool queue length

# Defined in


# getQueueTotalCapacity

getQueueTotalCapacity(): Promise<string>

Get the total capacity of queued minipools in Wei

example using Typescript

const totalLength = rp.minipool.getQueueTotalCapacity().then((val: string) => { val };

# Returns


a Promise<string> that resolves to a number representing the total capacity of queued minipools in Wei

# Defined in


# getQueueEffectiveCapacity

getQueueEffectiveCapacity(): Promise<string>

Get the effective capacity of queued minipools in Wei (used in node demand calculations)

example using Typescript

const queueEffectiveCapacity = rp.minipool.getQueueEffectiveCapacity().then((val: string) => { val };

# Returns


a Promise<string> that resolves to a number representing the effective capacity of queued minipools in Wei

# Defined in


# getQueueNextCapacity

getQueueNextCapacity(): Promise<string>

Get the capacity of the next available minipool in Wei

example using Typescript

const queueNextCapacity = rp.minipool.getQueueNextCapacity().then((val: string) => { val };

# Returns


a Promise<string> that resolves to a number representing the capacity of the next available minipool in Wei

# Defined in


# getMinipoolNodeRewardAmount

getMinipoolNodeRewardAmount(nodeFee, userDepositBalance, startBalance, endBalance): Promise<string>

Get the node reward amount for a minipool by node fee, user deposit balance, and staking start & end balances

params nodeFee a number representing the node fee

params userBalanceString a string representing the user balance in Wei

params startBalance a string representing the start balance in Wei

params endBalance a sttring representing the end balance in Wei

example using Typescript

const rewardsAmount = rp.minipool.getMinipoolNodeRewardAmount(nodeFee, userDepositBalance, startBalance, endBalance).then((val: string) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type
nodeFee number
userDepositBalance string
startBalance string
endBalance string

# Returns


a Promise<string> that resolves to a string representing the minipool node rewards amount in Wei

# Defined in


# getMinipoolContract

getMinipoolContract(address): Promise<MinipoolContract>

Get a MinipoolContract instance

params address a string representing the address of the minipool

example using Typescript

const address = "0x24fBeD7Ecd625D3f0FD19a6c9113DEd436172294";
const minipoolContract = rp.minipool.getMinipoolContract(address).then((val: MinipoolContract) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type
address string

# Returns


a Promise<MinipoolContract> that resolves to a MinipoolContract representing the contract of the minipool

# Defined in


# getEffectiveDelegate

getEffectiveDelegate(address): Promise<string>

Get the effective delegate

params address a string representing the address of the minipool

example using Typescript

const address = "0x24fBeD7Ecd625D3f0FD19a6c9113DEd436172294";
const effectiveDelegate = rp.minipool.getEffectiveDelegate(address).then((val: string) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type
address string

# Returns


a Promise<string> that resolves to the address of the effective delegate

# Defined in


# submitMinipoolWithdrawable

submitMinipoolWithdrawable(minipoolAddress, options?, onConfirmation?): Promise<TransactionReceipt>

Submit a minipool as withdrawable

example using Typescript

const minipoolAddress = "0x24fBeD7Ecd625D3f0FD19a6c9113DEd436172294";
const trustedNode = "0x24fBeD7Ecd625D3f0FD19a6c9113DEd436172294";
const options = {
		from: trustedNode,
		gas: 1000000
const txReceipt = rp.minipool.submitWithdrawable(minipoolAddress, options).then((txReceipt: TransactionReceipt) => { txReceipt };

# Parameters

Name Type Description
minipoolAddress string A string representing the address of the minipool
options? SendOptions An optional object of web3.eth.Contract SendOptions
onConfirmation? ConfirmationHandler An optional confirmation handler object

# Returns


a Promise<TransactionReceipt> that resolves to a TransactionReceipt object representing the receipt of the transaction

# Defined in
