# Class: Auction

Rocket Pool Auction

# Constructors

# constructor

new Auction(web3, contracts)

Create a new Auction instance.

# Parameters

Name Type Description
web3 default A valid Web3 instance
contracts Contracts A Rocket Pool contract manager instance

# Defined in


# Accessors

# rocketAuctionManager

Private get rocketAuctionManager(): Promise<Contract>

Private accessor use to retrieve the related contract

# Returns


a Promise<Contract> that resolves to a web3.eth.contract instance of the rocketAuctionManager contract

# Defined in


# Methods

# getLotExists

getLotExists(lotIndex): Promise<boolean>

Check if the lot exists given a lot index

example using Typescript

const exists = rp.auction.getLotExists(lotIndex).then((val: boolean) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type Description
lotIndex number A number representing the lot index

# Returns


a Promise<boolean> that resolves to a boolean representing whether the lot exists or not

# Defined in


# getLotStartBlock

getLotStartBlock(lotIndex): Promise<number>

Return the lot start block given a lot index

example using Typescript

const lotStartBlock = rp.auction.getLotStartBlock(lotIndex).then((val: number) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type Description
lotIndex number A number representing the Lot Index

# Returns


a Promise<number> that resolves to a number representing the lot start block

# Defined in


# getLotEndBlock

getLotEndBlock(lotIndex): Promise<number>

Return the lot end block given a lot index

example using Typescript

const lotEndBlock = rp.auction.getLotEndBlock(lotIndex).then((val: number) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type Description
lotIndex number A number representing the lot index

# Returns


a Promise<number> that resolves to a number representing the lot end block

# Defined in


# getLotStartPrice

getLotStartPrice(lotIndex): Promise<number>

Return the lot start price given a lot index

example using Typescript

const lotStartPrice = rp.auction.getLotStartPrice(lotIndex).then((val: number) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type Description
lotIndex number A number representing the lot index

# Returns


a Promise<number> that resolves to a number representing the lot start price

# Defined in


# getLotReservePrice

getLotReservePrice(lotIndex): Promise<number>

Return the lot reserve price given a lot index

example using Typescript

const lotReservePrice = rp.auction.getLotReservePrice(lotIndex).then((val: number) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type Description
lotIndex number A number representing the lot index

# Returns


a Promise<number> that resolves to a number representing the Lot Reserve Price

# Defined in


# getLotTotalBidAmount

getLotTotalBidAmount(lotIndex): Promise<number>

Return the lot total bid amount given a lot index

example using Typescript

const lotTotalBidAmount = rp.auction.getLotTotalBidAmount(lotIndex).then((val: number) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type Description
lotIndex number A number representing the lot index

# Returns


a Promise<number> that resolves to a number representing the lot total bid amount

# Defined in


# getLotTotalRPLAmount

getLotTotalRPLAmount(lotIndex): Promise<number>

Return the lot total RPL amount given a lot index

example using Typescript

const lotTotalRPLAmount = rp.auction.getLotTotalRPLAmount(lotIndex).then((val: number) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type Description
lotIndex number A number representing the lot index

# Returns


a Promise<number> that resolves to a number representing the lot total RPL amount

# Defined in


# getLotAddressBidAmount

getLotAddressBidAmount(lotIndex, bidderAddress): Promise<number>

Return the lot address bid amount given a lot index and a bidder address

example using Typescript

const lotAddressBidAmount = rp.auction.getLotAddressBidAmount(lotIndex, bidderAddress).then((val: number) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type Description
lotIndex number A number representing the lot index
bidderAddress string A string representing the bidder address

# Returns


a Promise<number> that resolves to a number representing the lot address bid amount

# Defined in


# getLotPriceByTotalBids

getLotPriceByTotalBids(lotIndex): Promise<number>

Return the lot current orice by total bids given a lot index

example using Typescript

const lotPriceByTotalBids = rp.auction.getLotPriceByTotalBids(lotIndex).then((val: number) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type Description
lotIndex number A number representing the lot index

# Returns


a Promise<number> that resolves to a number representing the lot price by total bids

# Defined in


# getLotCurrentPrice

getLotCurrentPrice(lotIndex): Promise<number>

Return the current lot price given a lot index

example using Typescript

const lotCurrentPrice = rp.auction.getLotCurrentPrice(lotIndex).then((val: number) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type Description
lotIndex number A number representing the lot index

# Returns


a Promise<number> that resolves to a number representing the lot's current price

# Defined in


# getLotClaimedRPLAmount

getLotClaimedRPLAmount(lotIndex): Promise<number>

Return the lot claimed RPL amount given a lot index

example using Typescript

const lotClaimedRPLAmount = rp.auction.getLotClaimedRPLAmount(lotIndex).then((val: number) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type Description
lotIndex number A number representing the lot Index

# Returns


a Promise<number> that resolves to a number representing the lot's claimed RPL amount

# Defined in


# getLotRemainingRPLAmount

getLotRemainingRPLAmount(lotIndex): Promise<number>

Return the lot remaining RPL amount given a lot index

example using Typescript

const lotRemainingRPLAmount = rp.auction.getLotRemainingRPLAmount(lotIndex).then((val: number) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type Description
lotIndex number A number representing the lot index

# Returns


a Promise<number> that resolves to a number representing the lot's remaining RPL amount

# Defined in


# getLotIsCleared

getLotIsCleared(lotIndex): Promise<boolean>

Check if a lot is cleared given a lot index

example using Typescript

const lotCleared = rp.auction.getLotIsCleared(lotIndex).then((val: number) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type Description
lotIndex number A number representing the lot index

# Returns


a Promise<boolean> that resolves to a boolean representing whether the lot is cleared

# Defined in


# getTotalRPLBalance

getTotalRPLBalance(): Promise<number>

Return the total RPL balance

example using Typescript

const totalRPLBalance = rp.auction.getTotalRPLBalance(lotIndex).then((val: number) => { val };

# Returns


a Promise<number> that resolves to a number representing the total RPL balance

# Defined in


# getAllottedRPLBalance

getAllottedRPLBalance(): Promise<number>

Return the allotted RPL balance

example using Typescript

const allottedRPLBalance = rp.auction.getAllottedRPLBalance(lotIndex).then((val: number) => { val };

# Returns


a Promise<number> that resolves to a number representing the allotted RPL balance

# Defined in


# getRemainingRPLBalance

getRemainingRPLBalance(): Promise<number>

Return the remaining RPL balance

example using Typescript

const remainingRPLBalance = rp.auction.getRemainingRPLBalance(lotIndex).then((val: number) => { val };

# Returns


a Promise<number> that resolves to a number representing the remaining RPL balance

# Defined in


# getLotCount

getLotCount(): Promise<number>

Return the Lot Count

example using Typescript

const lotCount = rp.auction.getLotCount(lotIndex).then((val: number) => { val };

# Returns


a Promise<number> that resolves to a number representing the lot count

# Defined in


# getLotPriceAtBlock

getLotPriceAtBlock(lotIndex, block): Promise<number>

Return the lot price at a specified block given a lot index

example using Typescript

const lotPrice = rp.auction.getLotPriceAtBlock(lotIndex, block).then((val: number) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type Description
lotIndex number A number representing the lot index
block number A number representing the block

# Returns


a Promise<number> that resolves to a number representing the lot price at the specified block

# Defined in


# getLotRPLRecovered

getLotRPLRecovered(lotIndex): Promise<number>

Return the Lot RPL Recovered given a lot index

example using Typescript

const lotRPLRecovered = rp.auction.getLotRPLRecovered(lotIndex).then((val: number) => { val };

# Parameters

Name Type Description
lotIndex number A number representing the lot index

# Returns


a Promise<number> that resolves to a number representing the lot RPL recovered

# Defined in


# createLot

createLot(options?, onConfirmation?): Promise<TransactionReceipt>

Create a new lot for auction

example using Typescript

const options = {
		from: '0x24fBeD7Ecd625D3f0FD19a6c9113DEd436172294',
		gas: 1000000
const txReceipt = rp.auction.createLot(options).then((txReceipt: TransactionReceipt) => { txReceipt };

# Parameters

Name Type Description
options? SendOptions An optional object of web3.eth.Contract SendOptions
onConfirmation? ConfirmationHandler An optional confirmation handler object

# Returns


a Promise<TransactionReceipt> that resolves to a TransactionReceipt object representing the receipt of the transaction

# Defined in


# claimBid

claimBid(lotIndex, options?, onConfirmation?): Promise<TransactionReceipt>

Create bid on a lot

example using Typescript

const options = {
		from: '0x24fBeD7Ecd625D3f0FD19a6c9113DEd436172294',
		gas: 1000000
const txReceipt = rp.auction.claimBid(lotIndex, options).then((txReceipt: TransactionReceipt) => { txReceipt };

# Parameters

Name Type Description
lotIndex number A number representing the lot index
options? SendOptions An optional object of web3.eth.Contract SendOptions
onConfirmation? ConfirmationHandler An optional confirmation handler object

# Returns


a Promise<TransactionReceipt> that resolves to a TransactionReceipt object representing the receipt of the transaction

# Defined in


# placeBid

placeBid(lotIndex, options?, onConfirmation?): Promise<TransactionReceipt>

Place bid on a lot

example using Typescript

const options = {
		from: '0x24fBeD7Ecd625D3f0FD19a6c9113DEd436172294',
		gas: 1000000
const txReceipt = rp.auction.placeBid(lotIndex, options).then((txReceipt: TransactionReceipt) => { txReceipt };

# Parameters

Name Type Description
lotIndex number A number representing the lot ondex
options? SendOptions An optional object of web3.eth.Contract SendOptions
onConfirmation? ConfirmationHandler An optional confirmation handler object

# Returns


a Promise<TransactionReceipt> that resolves to a TransactionReceipt object representing the receipt of the transaction

# Defined in


# recoverUnclaimedRPL

recoverUnclaimedRPL(lotIndex, options?, onConfirmation?): Promise<TransactionReceipt>

Recover Unclaimed RPL

example using Typescript

const options = {
		from: '0x24fBeD7Ecd625D3f0FD19a6c9113DEd436172294',
		gas: 1000000
const txReceipt = rp.auction.recoverUnclaimedRPL(lotIndex, options).then((txReceipt: TransactionReceipt) => { txReceipt };

# Parameters

Name Type Description
lotIndex number A number representing the lot index
options? SendOptions An optional object of web3.eth.Contract SendOptions
onConfirmation? ConfirmationHandler An optional confirmation handler object

# Returns


a Promise<TransactionReceipt> that resolves to a TransactionReceipt object representing the receipt of the transaction

# Defined in
